2021 Mid-Year Market Outlook Webinar Replay

2021 Mid-Year Outlook Webinar Now Available LPL Financial Chief Investment Officer Burt White joins Mark Brown for a discussion on the outlook for the 2nd half of the year. Key Discussion Points:

  • Why is the market hitting all time highs when the news is not that great?
  • Covid:  The fastest recession ever?
  • Average length of expansions following the last 10 recessions
  • The 7 year Itch
  • Economy Picking up Speed?
  • What are the leading economic indicators telling us?
  • Housing: a canary in the coal mine?
  • Is Policy taking a back seat?
  • What happens to the stock market after higher corporate taxes?
  • Extraordinary earnings
  • Should we be concerned about current stock market valuations?
  • 10%+ drops in stocks are expected and happen once a year on average
  • Outlook for bonds and interest rates