Employee Spotlight: Meet the Team Member, Ellewynn Tieszen

This is the latest in a continuing series of posts where we feature a member of our team using a Q&A format so you can get to know them a little better – both personally and professionally.

Ellewynn is originally from Yankton, SD. She studied Musical Theatre at the American Musical Dramatic Academy in New York, NY. While living in New York, she immersed herself in the arts and hospitality. She also found herself spending much time at The Strand Bookstore. Ellewynn taught English as a second language in Istanbul, Turkey. Then she moved to Denver in 2017 to be near her 3 brothers, 3 sisters in laws, niece, and nephews. Ellewynn enjoys theatre, dance, nature, museums, live music, traveling, and her family.
  Q: Can you briefly describe your role at Brown and Company? A: I am much like a host when entering a beautiful restaurant. Although, instead of a beautiful restaurant, it is a very handsome office! I greet and attend to our clients with a welcoming and positive manner. I also assist and support the team daily. Q: What is your favorite part about working for Brown and Company? A: My favorite part of working for Brown and Company are the high standards they hold and strive to maintain. Also, the genuine connections the company currently has with their clients and employees. Q: As a more recent hire yourself, what advice would you give to someone just joining the team? A: Observation goes a long way and asking questions when in doubt is valued. Now, we’ll switch gears to learn more what you like to do outside of the office. Q: What is your favorite movie and book? A: My favorite movie is “Billy Elliot” starring Jamie Bell. Fun fact: The movie was adapted into a musical in 2005. Music by Elton John. My favorite book is “Player Piano” by Kurt Vonnegut. Q: What is your favorite quote? A: “You are as happy as you think you are” Abraham Lincoln Q: What is the first concert you attended? A: Rebecca St. James in Sioux Falls, SD. I was 7 years old. Q: Favorite travel spot? A: I don’t believe I have been there yet! Q: When was the last time you laughed so hard you cried? A: My most recent birthday. I spent the evening with my wonderful family. My mother gave me the most adult birthday gift you could possibly imagine. Vitamins. All sorts of vitamins. It will forever be a “I laughed so hard I cried” memory.