We've aggregated the various publications where Brown & Company has been featured in the news in recent months. We are grateful for the opportunities to speak with journalists to help educate readers on timely financial topics. Here are the most recent media interviews we have done: On December 18, Mark Brown was quoted in an article is titled “7 Sections to Consider When Rebalancing Your Portfolio.” Mark is quoted in the Energy section of the piece where he is speaking to potential investment opportunities as the vaccine is more widely distributed and economic demand ramps up.
Mark Brown was quoted in a column at Bankrate.com that was published on November 10, 2020. The article is titled, "5 Unusual Year-End Tax Strategies for Investors," and Mark is cited several times throughout regarding various tax strategies. Click here to read the article.
Thanks to Jill Cornfield at CNBC for giving Mark Brown the opportunity to discuss strategies to prepare for a secure retirement. The article is titled, "If you’re in your 40s, it’s time to put together a strategy to rescue your retirement" and was published on September 16, 2020. Click here to read it.
Mark Brown was quoted in a column in US News & World Report (read the article) that was published on August 28, 2020. The article was titled, "Checklist for Handling the Death of a Spouse," and provided practical guidance on what to do when a loved one dies. Mark was able to allude to our Family Organizational Plan (see here) as a way to prepare for the death of a spouse.
Chad Hamilton was interviewed by the Brian O'Connell at TheStreet.com on August 19, 2020 in an article titled, "Is the 60/40 Allocation Model Obsolete?" The 'Kitchen Table Economist' asked Chad a series of questions about the value of asset allocation and the differences between a strategic vs. a tactical approach.
Chad Hamilton was quoted in two articles that appeared in Bankrate in late July 2020 about annuities - how they work and pros/cons. In the first one called "What is a Deferred Annuity?" Hamilton explained how a deferred variable annuity works and who should consider purchasing that type of investment as well as potential drawbacks. The second article was titled, "What is a Fixed Annuity?" In that article, Hamilton focused primarily on a certain type of fixed annuity called an immediate annuity and explained how it works and reasons why someone would consider it.
Mark Brown was quoted in a column by Morey Stettner at Investor's Business Daily on July 17, 2020. The article is titled, "As Clients Age, They May Face Heirs Who Seek a Larger Inheritance." Mark talked about the importance of communication between family members when it comes to estate planning and how an unequally distributed estate plan can cause problems and hurt. (To read more about our thoughts on this topic, check out this article titled, "5 Things to Think About Before Meeting With Your Estate Attorney.")
Chad Hamilton was quoted in two different articles in June by CNBC reporter, Alizah Salario. The first was about the different risk factors you need to consider when investing. Chad explained the need to be aware of various types of risk such as market risk, default risk, interest rate risk, and concentration risk. You can read the article here. The second article pertained to U.S. Savings Bonds and what you need to know about them - including how to determine their value and whether to cash them in. Here is a link to that article.
Chad Hamilton was also quoted in the personal finance section of Time Magazine in May 2020. Kevin Kelleher interviewed Chad about income tax planning considerations pertaining to the stimulus payments and other timely strategies pertaining to the COVID-19 environment. Go here to read the article.