Estate Planning

Make Sure Your Wishes Are Respected

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Experienced Denver Estate Planning Company

Preserving Your Legacy: Estate Planning with Brown and Company

We recognize that after a lifetime of hard work and wealth accumulation, preserving assets for your heirs becomes a paramount concern. At Brown and Company, estate planning asset preservation is not just a service; it’s a top priority.

Navigating the Complexity of Estate Planning

Estate planning involves more than just distributing assets; it’s about understanding your desires and ensuring the well-being of your spouse, children, grandchildren and the charitable foundations you wish to support. With our extensive experience, we help clients navigate the complexities of this critical process, drawing on our knowledge to address the difficulties that may arise.

5 Things to Ask Yourself Before Creating an Estate Plan

Before embarking on the estate planning journey, consider these key questions:

  1. Is there such a thing as passing on too much? Balance the appropriate amount to leave your children without negatively impacting their drive and ambitions.
  2. How old should heirs be? If trusts are part of your plan, think about the age at which your children and grandchildren should receive their inheritances.
  3. Do your potential heirs have issues? Consider special needs and financial capabilities when crafting your estate plan.
  4. Should all children be considered equally? Address special circumstances and assistance provided to each child during your lifetime.
  5. Who is the best person for the job? Select an executor who is best equipped to handle the responsibilities, irrespective of birth order.

Wills and Estate Planning at Brown and Company

Our estate planning process is comprehensive, ensuring that every aspect is meticulously considered:

  1. Discuss Family Dynamics and Legacy Planning: Understand the intricacies of your family dynamics and legacy goals.
  2. Review Current Estate Documents: Assess existing estate documents to identify areas for refinement.
  3. Create an Estate Plan: Craft a personalized estate plan that aligns with your wishes and goals.
  4. Coordinate with the Entire Financial Team: Collaborate with your financial team, including CPAs, estate attorneys and others, to ensure the seamless integration of your entire portfolio with the estate plan.
  5. Implement Strategies: Execute the strategies outlined in your estate plan.

After creating your plan, Brown and Company continues to be proactive. We regularly review your plan and related documents to ensure they stay current and aligned with your evolving wishes. Changes in personal, family or business circumstances, coupled with shifts in tax laws, may necessitate updates. Regular reviews of beneficiary designations on retirement accounts and life insurance policies, as well as the titling of accounts, are essential to maintaining the effectiveness of your estate plan.

Preserve your legacy with Brown and Company — where expertise meets a steadfast commitment to securing your financial future.

* Brown & Company and LPL Financial do not provide legal advice or services. Please consult your legal advisor regarding your specific situation.

With Brown, You’ll Know!