Retirement Lifestyle Questionnaire: What Does Retirement Mean to You?

Husbands and wives are often out-of-sync when it comes to retirement because of differing views of how they'd like to spend their time. These differences are not necessarily a problem if you become aware of them ahead of time. To help you get started with this process of envisioning a meaningful retirement, we recommend thinking about someone you know who has “retired well” and then, conversely, think about someone who has struggled. What are those the attributes of what you consider to be a successful retirement and, conversely, what are the things that you want to avoid in retirement. We have created a short assessment that incorporates these ideas in order to help clarify your vision for the next phase of life. Just click here to take the retirement lifestyle questionnaire. After you have completed the retirement lifestyle questionnaire, we’ll provide you with a one-pager that captures your results. This is an example of what that report looks like:   sample retirement lifestyle questionnaire report For help with your retirement planning, start a conversation with our wealth management experts.