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Oil Prices Down Significantly in Recent Weeks

Crude oil has officially entered into a bear market, with West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude prices down over 20% from their highs in early October.  The selloff in oil was as drastic as it was sudden.  Prices have approached $50 per barrel of WTI, the lowest price since November of 2017.  What happened to oil and ... Oil Prices Down Significantly in Recent Weeks

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Donating Appreciated Stock to Charity

Smart Year-End Charitable Giving We are a nation of procrastinators, at least with respect to charitable giving.  Indeed, a very large percentage of charitable giving occurs According to the National Philanthropic Trust, 30% of all charitable gifts in the United States are given in December.  Further, more than 10% of giving is done in the ... Donating Appreciated Stock to Charity

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2019 Income Tax Rates

The IRS has announced its updates to income tax brackets for 2019, reflecting slightly higher limits to this year’s tax brackets to account for inflation.  The announcement is merely a slight tweak to the current marginal income tax brackets that were established by Congress.  As you may know, personal income taxes changed quite markedly in ... 2019 Income Tax Rates

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Midterm Elections Update

The midterm elections are now largely behind us, save for a few close races that have yet to be decided.  The outcome was what had been predicted by most experts: Democrats took back control of the House of Representatives, while Republicans kept control of the Senate.  Democrats added approximately 40 house seats, depending on several ... Midterm Elections Update

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International Trade: What’s Going on With NAFTA and China?

Most signals coming from the U.S. economy have been extraordinarily strong over the past year.  Unemployment has neared all-time record lows, GPD growth is tracking to be close to 3% in 2018 and inflation has remained subdued.  It is no wonder that the past few years have been a good time for stocks and the ... International Trade: What’s Going on With NAFTA and China?

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Non-Profit Spotlight: Rotary International

Recently, we have made a point to highlight the non-profits with whom we work most closely in our community.  We can think of no organization more important to us than Rotary International.  Indeed, Mark Brown is a multi-decade member of the Rotary Club of Denver Southeast.  Mark has also been a past President of the ... Non-Profit Spotlight: Rotary International

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The Conference Board Leading Economic Index

The Conference Board released its latest monthly update to its “Leading Economic Index” on October 18.  The Index is a composite of many different data points in the U.S. economy, providing a window into the pace of growth in the U.S. economy.  Happily, the latest report that covers the month of September was positive once ... The Conference Board Leading Economic Index

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Social Security Increase for 2019

Those receiving Social Security benefits experienced a bit of good news this past week, as the government announced a 2.8% bump in benefits for 2019.  This 2.8% increase reflects a cost of living adjustment, as inflation in the U.S. has risen over the past year.  The benefit bump is the largest since 2012 for retirees. ... Social Security Increase for 2019

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What To Do About Rising Interest Rates?

A common question that we get from our clients is how to invest in bonds in today’s market, given the trend of rising interest rates.  It has been one of our more difficult investment challenges over the past five years.  The heart of the problem is simple: during a period of rising rates, the value ... What To Do About Rising Interest Rates?

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Housing Prices: Still Strong, Though Moderating

It is no secret that housing prices in the U.S. have recovered substantially since the 2008 financial crisis.  In the Denver metro area, and across many metro areas, housing prices are now well above their prior 2007 peak.   And this is largely a good thing, as a robust real estate recovery has created jobs, strengthened ... Housing Prices: Still Strong, Though Moderating

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Inflation and Bonds: An Update

We have been blessed with an extended economic expansion in the U.S. that has come with relatively little inflation.  Since the financial crisis of 2008, inflation in the U.S. has been very low, averaging well below 2%.  Indeed, the Federal Reserve’s stated inflation target of 2% per year has rarely been met over the past ... Inflation and Bonds: An Update

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Interest Rates Are Climbing

In the U.S., we have lived through a period of unusually low interest rates over the past decade.  In response to the Global Financial Crisis of 2008, the U.S. Federal Reserve cut short term interest rates close to 0% for almost a full decade.  Moreover, the Fed engaged in quantitative easing as well, buying bonds ... Interest Rates Are Climbing

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